Sports Nutrition: Top 5 Myths DEBUNKED!

Sports Nutrition: Top 5 Myths DEBUNKED!

4 minute read

There are no shortcuts when it comes to training and fueling your body appropriately. So, if you're aiming to become a stronger, better athlete, you need to understand sports nutrition. A lot of information gets thrown around and lots of people tend to just go by what they hear or what they just feel is true. 

We took a deep dive into 5 of the biggest myths around sports nutrition — and discovered if there was any truth behind them.

MYTH #1:  Creatine is bad for your kidneys.

Creatine is an organic compound found in muscle cells that allows muscles to recover faster and get stronger. It also helps your muscles produce energy during heavy lifting and high-intensity exercises plus, it is known as the #1 supplement for improving athletic performance.

A review of 21 studies that assessed kidney function with creatine doses ranging from 2 to 30 grams a day for up to five and a half years indicates that creatine is safe for young healthy athletes and for elderly people. Even the most recent studies using sophisticated methods to assess renal function support creatine supplements as being well tolerated and not related to kidney dysfunction.

MYTH #2: Caffeine makes you dehydrated.

With caffeinated beverages, like coffee, the diuretic effect might be 1.2 ml. excess fluid lost per mg. of caffeine. That means, if you were to drink a small mug of coffee that contains 125 milligrams of caffeine, you might lose about 150 ml. water through excess urine loss. But you'd still have 50 ml. fluid to hydrate your body—and likely more if you drink coffee regularly. Athletes who regularly consume caffeine habituate and experience less of a diuretic effect. In addition, there is ton of research that has shown that caffeine may help with things like dementia and athletic performance.

MYTH #3: Eating fat will make you fat.

Believe it or not, fat has so many beneficial functions like protecting our organs, maintaining cell membranes, promoting growth and development, & absorbing essential vitamins. But understand that not all fats are the same. Try choosing healthy fats found in organic butter, olive oil, beef tallow, and avocados instead of trans fats that can be found in processed seed oils.

MYTH #4: Not eating carbs is the easiest way to lose weight.

If you follow a low-carb diet trend, you're likely to experience success with weight loss, but the reality is that any time that you eliminate highly processed carbs, like chips or cookies, you'll be expected to have the same results. But remember, any diet or eating program that eliminates an entire food group is likely to miss out on vital nutrients. Balance is key!

MYTH #5: A detox diet will clean toxins out the body.

We don't need to 'cleanse' our body. Our organs like our liver, kidneys and gastrointestinal tract are designed to do this for us daily. Instead, focus on eating more whole foods, staying hydrated and removing highly processed foods from your diet. Then, you'll see a difference.

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