How To Reverse Aging

How To Reverse Aging

3 minute read

From beauty products to diets, the ongoing desire to prevent or reverse aging is a global pursuit. The truth is, there are millions of small and large factors contributing to this process from stress, to food sensitivities, to body composition, and even genetic predisposition. 

As we age and are exposed to our environment, we experience hormonal and other changes to our physiology. 

Soft tissue is the cells that work together to connect, envelop, support and/or help move surrounding parts of the body. The term commonly references the muscles, tendons, ligaments, and fascia but can include other tissue types and body systems like fat, skin, nerves, and blood vessels. 

A lot of these soft tissues are made up of collagen, which is the most abundant protein in the human body. And type I collagen, for example, are extremely capable of being stretched — gram-for-gram, they are stronger than steel! When endogenous collagen breaks down or is depleted, typically, it manifests in physical appearance and even physical performance. 

When inflammation becomes chronic, it sets off metalloproteinases (MMPs) in the skin. They're enzymes that are found in the spaces between skin cells and break down proteins like collagen and elastin found between skin cells. This is what leads to wrinkles and other aging markers. 

So, what can you do to slow down this breakdown of collagen and elastin? 

1. Improve your body composition and reduce excessive sugar intake, both of which increase stress on the body which produces chronic inflammation

2. Consume anti inflammatory foods such as green leafy veggies including kale and collard greens, and root veggies like beets and sweet potatoes. Delicious fruits and berries like kiwi, lemons, pineapple, blueberries, and blackberries help too.

3. Consume collagen. It can be consumed through chicken and pork skins, and bone broth. You can also supplement with collagen peptides. Since there are over 10 types of collagen, we know this can be confusing, but 80-90% of the collagen found in our body is type I, II, or III. Needless to say, those are the best to stick with. 

4. Wear electroceutical patches consistently. The more consecutive days you wear the patches the more profound the effect.  Here at STAMINAPRO, we use the patches literally every day. Not just for aches, pains, and performance but for preventative measures like these. 

It is the extra support your body may need to look and feel better!

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