Have you ever heard of the term “microwave society”? It refers to the psychological shift that society has experienced in preferring quick fixes, resulting in immediate gratification over long-term gratification.
Sound familiar to you? Well, this is the result of rapid technology advancement and adoption that has granted us the power of quick and instantaneous solutions. Google enabled us to search for any answer in seconds. Amazon enabled us to get almost any retail good in 2 days. A pill can evaporate your headache in 20 minutes. You can find a romantic partner on a dating app in 24-hours. And, well, what can’t your smart phone help you do quicker?
There are so many benefits of technology that we get to experience on a regular basis and probably don’t fully appreciate, but the net effect of this shift in behavior has also impacted our decision-making, especially when it comes to our health.
The truth is, especially when referring to health, you should think longer-term and weigh the costs versus benefits. And when it comes to pain, inflammation, performing your best, treating injuries, and feeling your best, it is the fundamentals that you do day-in and day-out that will make the biggest impact.
We know that the prolonged effect of consistent healthy exercise leads to reduced heart disease, increased bone density, better insulin sensitivity, better body composition, stellar circulation, better memory, on and on and on…. Oh, and increased lifespan.
The same can be said for proper hydration over weeks, months, and years. Along with the benefits of sleep and sticking to a balanced, healthy diet.
So, how is this relevant to STAMINAPRO?
STAMINAPRO should be thought of like a supplement. It is a tool to help you on your journey to hit your goals and feel your best. But here is the secret, STAMINAPRO is only as good as your foundation. Poor diet, dehydration, lack of sunlight exposure, and not enough movement (and circulation) can all lead to poor voltage.
Yes, VOLTAGE! Our body is basically a walking battery that is both recharging and emitting energy. Our skin actually gives off hundreds of microvolts of electricity and our cells are continuously receiving and sending electric signals throughout our body. It is this positive charge that induces the flow of electrons from the slightly negatively charged patches that are filled with quintillions of electrons from natural ingredients known to reduce inflammation and support your body.
Guess what else? The patches work better the MORE you use them! That’s right. Just like the more days in a row you have adequate sleep the better you feel, the same can be said for the patches. Be consistent! Have a nagging injury? Try wearing a new patch every day for 14 days straight — you’ll notice an exponential difference between just wearing the patches when pain is severe and actually helping your body recover.
Keep a consistent routine with a STAMINAPRO subscription.
No Drugs. Just Physics.