Your Sleep Affects Your Recovery

Your Sleep Affects Your Recovery

2 minute read


Quality sleep goes well beyond recovering from workouts and athletic events. It impacts our immune system, our hormones, our mood, and so much more! It is a critical part of maintaining and elevating your health.

We’ve broken down the top 5 commonly asked questions about the importance of sleep to your overall well-being.

Question #1: How does sleep impact recovery?

During sleep, growth hormone is secreted (typically during stage 3 of non-REM sleep). This hormone, produced by your pituitary gland, stimulates tissue growth and repair. Your muscles also relax while you sleep. This relaxation allows your muscles to be relieved of tension and can reduce pain.

Question #2: What are the health benefits of quality sleep?

✔️ Stronger Immune System

✔️ Stable Metabolism

✔️ Reduced Stress

✔️ Sharper Thinking

✔️ Reduction in Mental Mistakes

Question #3: Does my sleep schedule actually matter?

YES! Your body establishes a “biological clock” according to the pattern of daylight where you live. This helps you naturally get sleepy at night and remain alert during the day. If you have to work at night and sleep during the day, you may have trouble getting enough sleep.

Question #4: How much sleep do I really need?

  • Most adults need 7 to 9 hours of quality sleep on a regular schedule.
  • Teens need 8 to 10 hours of sleep each night.
  • School-aged children need 9 to 12 hours.
  • Preschoolers need to sleep between 10 and 13 hours a day (including naps).
  • Babies need to sleep between 12 and 16 hours a day (including naps).

Question #5: What can cause poor sleep quality?

Some contenders to poor quality sleep include the following…

  • Stress or anxiety.
  • Pain.
  • Certain health conditions, like heartburn, asthma, or upset stomach.
  • Medications.
  • Caffeine (usually from coffee, tea, or soda).
  • Alcohol.
  • Untreated sleep disorders like sleep apnea and insomnia.

Now that you understand the importance of sleep and how it contributes to recovery, let us introduce you to how you can elevate and improve your sleep naturally.

With Power Sleep Patches, you enter a deeper state of sleep, thus improving your quality of rest.

Pro Tip: If you use a wearable device, that tracks your sleep, make sure you track your sleep when you wear Power Sleep Patches!

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