Jay Cruz: Spotlight Interview

Jay Cruz: Spotlight Interview

Jay’s love for motorcycles runs deep. Growing up in a family of riders, with his great-grandparents and parents all sharing a love for the open road, it was no surprise when Jay started riding at just two years old. But unlike most riders, he took things to a whole new level.

“By 17, I built my own bike and started practicing in parking lots. As I got better, I discovered there was actually a stunt riding division. That changed my whole dream of trying to be a police officer. All I wanted to do was stunt ride.”

Read on for the exclusive interview with Jay, where he talks about his beginnings, challenges, and his love for STAMINAPRO.

Q: Can you tell us a bit about yourself and your journey to where you are today?

Jay: Hi, my name is Jay Cruz. I'm Puerto Rican. I'm 38 years old and I live in Southern California.

I've been here 8 years and I’ve been chasing a dream ever since. I originally came out here with an opportunity to ride a motorcycle. The opportunity never showed up, but I had to strive to be who I am now which is a successful entrepreneur that is making a living here in California, which is difficult for a lot of us.

Q: How did you get involved in this unique field, and what inspired your passion for motorcycles?

Jay: So it's funny, my great-grandparents rode motorcycles and my mom and my dad still ride motorcycles to this day. I actually began riding when I was just 2 years old. I used to ride the streets a lot as I got older and I was a little hooligan like everyone else. But then I took it to a professional level.

Q: Growing up around motorcycles must have offered some unique experiences. Could you share a memorable or challenging moment that shaped your journey as a stunt rider?

Jay: My uncle and all his friends always had motorcycles. When I turned 13, I asked my uncle, “Hey, can I ride your bike?” He goes “If you can tippy toe the bike, I'll let you ride it.” I already knew how to ride a bike, right? I just wanted to ride his motorcycle, which was a GSXR1100.

So he said “OK, you can finally touch, I'll let you take it.” So I took it for a ride, did a burnout, and a wheelie. My uncle was so surprised and questioned why I did it. I simply said, “Because this is what I do.”

I wasn’t a professional, but taking that bike and learning from that experience was just amazing. My uncle let me ride from there on.

By 17, I built my own bike and started practicing in parking lots, convinced I was already a professional stunt rider. As I got better, I discovered there was actually a stunt riding division—something I didn’t even know existed. That changed my whole dream of trying to be a police officer. All I wanted to do was stunt ride.

I later discovered the world of professional stunt riding and met Jason Britton, a stunt riding legend. I followed his shows, and when he needed an MC, I stepped up. He was impressed and so I was able to sign on for 5-year gig thinking I would be riding my motorcycle. I started living and traveling with him, and even worked for him at a motorcycle shop.

But after 5 years, I realized this wasn’t really an opportunity. I thought “I’m never going to be a stunt rider”, everyone knows me as an MC.

I had to reevaluate myself and that led me here. Now I get the pleasure of growing on my own terms.

Q: Pursuing a career like yours involves risks and bold decisions. Was there a specific turning point or motivation that pushed you to fully commit to this path?

Jay: The spark happened when I met my then-girlfriend, now my wife. I told her I needed to level up and figure out what the hell I was going to pursue. I was paying $1,700 for rent to someone else and if I couldn't pay my half of the rent, then what? What was I going to do? Have my girlfriend pay for everything? I'm not that type of person. That's what sparked me to change.

I am super successful but I didn’t get here alone. My wife has been 100% of what’s led me to where I am now. She was the one that gave me that little push and that kick in the back. She mentioned: maybe you're a successful stunt rider now, but that doesn't mean that your riches have to come from stunt riding. My wife has encouraged me to invest. Now, I own multiple homes and run my own car wash company. We even bought a soccer team 2 years ago.

Q: Looking back, is there any advice you would give to your younger self or someone just starting out in their career?

Jay: I think about this all the time. If I could offer advice to my younger self, I’d say to work hard and to build strong relationships. When you build a relationship, it will mean more to you than money. Then the money will follow. And I believe this 110% — because I'm living it.

I mean, I’m just a nobody, right? But the thing is, I’m building relationships with my clients —millionaires and billionaires. It seems like all I do is wash cars for them, but it’s about more than that. I’m creating connections.

Q: When you're not riding, what are some of your favorite ways to unwind or enjoy your downtime?

Jay: I work Monday through Friday from 6:00 AM until about noon because after that it gets super hot. After this, I can go home and hop on the motorcycle. I'll go for a ride by myself and clear my head, or I'll fix the motorcycle. I'll go ride jet skis on my downtime. I love going on boats. I love swimming. I'm an adrenaline junkie. If I see somebody jumping off a bridge, I'll stop, put my shorts on and go jump off that bridge too. I’ll do any activity that is filled with adrenaline. That's my thing.

Q: What are some of your personal and professional goals for the future?

Jay: My goal is to keep building my portfolio and supporting my family. Last year we bought my mother-in-law an acre lot to live in, grow stuff, and have animals. It's pretty cool that I got a chance to do that. My goal now is to purchase my dream home. After that, it’s to buy my mom a house. I'm a family man. I love to take care of my family. My wife and I are just trying to be successful but also take care of our parents as we go along.

Q: For someone looking to get started in your field or simply chasing a dream, what would be your best piece of advice to help them take that first step?

Jay: Ohh man. Find yourself someone that's been through it and listen! If you put yourself in a room where you're the loudest person, you're not doing it right.

Also find your inner circle. If you're comfortable, you're not growing. If you're uncomfortable, that’s when you're doing it right.

Q: How did you first discover STAMINAPRO, and how has it become a part of your routine?

Jay: Well, it's funny because I was actually looking for a tape, when one of my clients mentioned something about STAMINAPRO Patches. Now, I'll patch up my my knees every morning and I'll start to work. I'm so messed up in my knees from falling and crashing. Other times, I need to recover, so I'll put two patches on the bottom of my feet when I sleep. I always have a pack in my van, in my stunt riding bag, and a little pack in my dresser at home.

I use the patches everyday faithfully pretty much since I found them about four years ago.

Jay Cruz is a man who knows how to live life full throttle. From his early days riding bikes to becoming a professional stunt rider and entrepreneur, he’s made his mark by working hard and staying true to his values.

As Jay continues to push boundaries and set new goals, we’re excited to see what’s next for this unstoppable force on two wheels.

Follow him on Instagram at @jay.cruz.21