Hydration is Key To Recovery

Hydration is Key To Recovery

1 minute read

There are a thousand reasons why proper hydration is important for optimal health but when it comes to recovery it may be THE most important factor.

Strenuous activity like workouts and competitions break down muscle tissue and then rebuild stronger through a process called protein synthesis. Protein synthesis requires that muscles are well hydrated. If you are dehydrated following a workout, protein synthesis is significantly slowed and will likely lead to delayed recovery and potentially injury. 

Faster Recovery. Less Downtime. Better Performance.



Quality water sources carry vital electrolytes that our body uses for nearly every biological process. By consuming half an ounce to an ounce of water per pound of body weight, you can properly hydrate yourself, recover, and perform better. 


Combining proper hydration with the use of the STAMINAPRO patches is an epic recovery combo that can take your performance to new heights.


No Drugs. Just Physics.


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