Rest and Recovery - Are You Maximizing Your Rest?

Rest and Recovery - Are You Maximizing Your Rest?

2 minute read

Rest & Recovery

If you’re anything like us, you have a deep passion for training, playing, and staying active as often as your body and mind will allow. However, if you’re not taking your rest seriously, you may be hindering your body's ability to recover effectively.

Let's begin by exploring two essential aspects of recovery.

Short-term Recovery This is the most common form of recovery occurring within hours after exercise. Short-term recovery involves low intensity exercises during the cool down phase. This is when your body adapts to the physical stress resulting from exercise and when it replenishes glycogen (or ATP) to facilitate tissue repair.

Long-term Recovery Long-term recovery encompasses scheduled rest periods, often built into a seasonal training schedule or annual athletic program. These rest periods, spanning days or even weeks, are crucial for allowing your body to fully recuperate.

Now, let's delve into the importance of sleep as a fundamental component of rest. Quality rest is known to enhance mental acuity and contribute to an overall sense of well-being by promoting the proper functioning of the nervous system.

Athletes who constantly lack adequate sleep are at risk of experiencing reduced aerobic endurance and fluctuations in hormone levels. Sleep deprivation can lead to higher levels of cortisol (a stress hormone) and decreased human growth hormone, which is essential for tissue repair. 

Quality rest is critical to overall recovery.

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